Friday, September 11, 2009


In “The Problem of Place in America,” Ray Oldenburg defines third places as “public places that host the regular, voluntary, informal, and happily anticipated gatherings of individuals beyond the realms of home and work” (104). Unlike the private space of the home, third places are public. However, unlike the public place of work, third places are not defined by production. Also, Oldenburg seems to argue that these third places are not defined by consumption, although some of his examples of third places could be defined as consumer spaces (cafes, bars).

Based on Oldenburg's definition, what is a third place you go to on the Temple campus or in Philadelphia-at-large? What makes this place a “third place”? Why do you go to this place? How do you feel when you're in this third place?


MrBurgerrr said...

I am very new to the Temple Campus, being that I have only been here for about two weeks. But one place that I deffinatly would consider a "third place" to myself and possbily the rest of Temple's population would be the bell tower.
It is a location that is used not only as a place to sit an relax while on campus but many outdoor events are held there as well.

Meashel Mason said...

I, myself, am new to the Philadelphia area. Being from a the state of Maryland, things here are totally different. A place that I would consider a "third place" would be the sitting area on Liacoras Walk.
When I walk down the street I see plenty of students sitting there and conversing with others. Where I am from I never see anything like that.

natalie315 said...

My third place on Temple's campus will have to be the SAC and J&H cafe. I say this is my third place because these are the places where me and my friends just hang out amd talk. At these locations we leave all of our homework and work talk in our dorms and we just come to hang out and chill with on another and have a great time.

Victoria Lee Russell said...

Even though I have yet to experience all of Temple's campus, as of right now my third place would have to be 1940 Residence Hall's front porch, stoop, stairs or whatever other names it's racked up. Everyone seems to be drawn to it, even if you don't live there, and at all hours of the day it's occupied and booming with people and noise. It's busy just like home in Brooklyn.

Eloise Gibby said...

One of many "third places" that i visit in Philadelphia is Pastorious park, in Chestnut Hill. Pastorious is an open field, with a man-made pond in the middle. There are many trees and benches. The best part about this park is that the local people bring their puppies to play there. While sitting on a bench, one would notice the diverse mix of dogs fetching frisbees and tennis balls. Most of the owners let their pups off of their leashes to play, so dogs come running over to meet you. The only precaution I take when I go to Pastorious is watching my steps very closely, because all the doggies doo-doo everywhere!

caball33733 said...

My "third place", here at Temple would have to be Liacouras Walk. There is always something happening here. Never a dull moment, and is always fun to stroll through

Dana Dunwoody said...

Whenever I visit a new place, I love to explore all the aspects of this new area. Being new to the Philadelphia area I have made it a personal duty to find out all I can about this new environment. On one of my many walks around the city with some friends I was shown a most “relaxing and fulfilling” (103) “third places”. In Oldenburg’s words these “third place” settings need “three realms of experience” (103). They are as follows, domestic, gainful or productive, and inclusively sociable. These “third places” must offer a sense of community and celebration of the community. The “third place” in question is a spot that I have had the opportunity of encountering, Penn’s Landing. It covers all the necessary aspects of a “third place” for me. The atmosphere at Penn’s Landing is not one that is a tourist attraction but a place where it “is not reserved for that well-dressed, middle – class crowd that is welcomed at today’s shopping malls. The elderly and poor, the ragged and infirm, are interspersed among those looking and doing well” (103-104). Penn’s Landing is a place where I can go to get away from it all, to separate my mind from the hectic life that simply waits for my return. But for the moments that I sit on the edge and stare into the water it gives me the sense of freedom. The freedom to think. Think of anything or feel any way. This place also serves a purpose of a meeting place for friends, a “hangout”, the one place you simply have to show everyone! I recommend walking down, and making your own perspective. If you like that surreal feeling.

Ryan.Lis said...

Being new to the Philadelphia area, especially Temple's campus, I am not really aware of where anything is. However, I do go to the IBC recreation center alot. It is located behind the Liacouras center and there are always plenty of people there to socialize with. I go to this "third place" to workout, go for a run, or play raquetball with my friends. When I'm at the IBC I feel independent and very confident.

ElizabethPaige said...

Well..I'm not from Philaelphia and haven't found a place where I truly feel at home or comfortable. But I think that my "third place" here at Temple would be Rita's. Rita's is a italian ice place right near the edge where I live.

I used to go to rita's althe time when i was home so going toone here is just relaxing and reminds me of home. I go there, get a italian ice and do some homework, think or relax.

Edward. Dolinish said...

My "third place", here on Temple's campus is the weight room on the first floor at the IBC rec. center.It is a public space that a variety of people use in different ways. Some people may see it as a place of labor or work, but i don't see it like that. I enjoy lifting so it doesn't come as work to me even though it is physical, it relieves stress, uplifts my sense of well-being and satisfies my personal goals. When i was in high school i used to play football, and since then the weight room has been my "third place". So even now in Philadelphia as i turn to a new chapter in my life my "third place" remains constant.

Allejean253 said...

Well, I've lived in Philly most of my life. However, being on Temple campus, I can't truly say I've found a definite third place though I have some ideas of one.
At home, my favorite place to go was the library, so I always tend to gravitate towards Paley, particularly the second floor, where there aren't alot of people and the computers are more or less always open. When I'm not at the library, i tend to be in the little mini park across from it. I don't know what it's called but it's right near the red owl statue, it's a nice shady spot where people like to meet and i'm always there people watching or reading for my next class.
I consider these two places a kind of third place because people meet there, and they're nice quite relaxing areas where you can get things done or just enjooy yourself.

Carly Hahn said...
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Carly Hahn said...

I am new to the Temple Campus and I have found that it is very different then home. Because of its city location, Temple has opened up many windows of opportunity to me. I have found that while being at Temple I am almost overwhelmed at all the options of places to go or things to see. I think this is why my "third place" would be the IBC Rec. center. While it is a completely new place to me, it still gives me that sense of familiarity of a place back home. There, I can get my mind off of the little stressors in life and also socialize with many new people.

Morgan.Pendleton said...

Oldenburg stated, "Before industrialization, the
first and second places were one. Industrialization separated the place of work from the place of residence, removing productive work from the home and making it remote in distance, morality, and spirit from family life." (104)

For me,
I'm new to Philadelphia. Seeing the urban life style, people wearing Phillie's shirts and the vibrant and interesting culture you can see from murals or mosaics on buildings is so new to me.

Finding three places was fun to think about. "The ranking of these three places corresponds with the individual dependence upon them." (104) My first place is my dorm room, my second place is my classes and my third place is the septa. Yes, the actual septa.

The septa is my "third place," because its always taking me to place to place. Its where my friends and I meet to go some where. We sit and talk going to and from our destination and we take the septa at least two to three times a week. Whether its to go walking down South Street or go shopping on Walnut were always on the run trying to get to know Philadelphia-at-large.

When I'm on the septa I feel scared but having my friends by my side makes me feel safe. My friends and I recently went to this beautiful restaurant on first friday in Old City and now we made it girls night place and were going to try to go at least once a month. Who knows; the restaurant might end up becoming my new "third place."

arlene said...

I am new to the Temple Campus and to the area of Philadelphia all together. Philly is very differnt from where I live but reminds me of NYC.I am very excited about all the new places I can go and explore. I haven't really experienced Temple to its full potential due to only being here for a little while, but my third place as of right now would be the the sitting area right next to Anderson and Gladfelter Hall. It is a place to get away from all the work from school, and just relax.

John Kahl said...

As everyone else has already mentioned Philadelphia is a new atmosphere for me as well. So perhaps I can relate to Philadelphia in the same manners that i would if i were somewhere i am more acquainted to; although my Apartment has been my "Third Place" thus far in the semester. Oldenburg seems to lend a confusing manner to his writing when he brings up consumption mixing with the place not defined as a place of production. But in all parts of life wherever you may be your producing something. Whether its a view of you or just simply sleep for your every day journeys. To me Oldenburg is describing a place of comfort in general and that for me would be at the lake in my hometown, or perhaps the pier in havredegrace maryland, various places i find myself relaxing or thinking about life. I'm sure philadelphia has alot to offer from reading other posts.

jgraham said...

The Philadelphia area has always been familiar to me. Over the years, Phillies games have developed into a third place for my friends and I. We attend a few games a year to relax and enjoy baseball as well as the atmosphere. Tailgating before the games also provides a social activity which could be described as a third place. This environment is quite relaxing and enjoyable, as long as the Phillies are winning.

Ryan Matthews said...

Even though I have only been at Temple for two weeks, i have found several places that could be considered a 'third place.' One would most definetly be the gym. My roommate and i go to the gym almost daily. He goes and does his own thing, and i do mine. However, i have met many different people who i had a good conversation with. I can relate to many of the people there. Usually, i don't go there to simply workout. I go there to meet people. I have met people who have already impacted my life. I always feel like there are people i can talk to. Therefore, i would say that the IBC gym would be my top 'third place.'

Tswank said...

I have visited a variety of different "third places" in and around Temple. Of these many places I rather enjoy going to the gym with my friends; which is distantly related through modern YMCA's to one of the earliest "third places" known to man, the public baths.
This fits the criteria of a third place because the gym is a place to go and work out with friends, to socialize and share stories from the day thus far.
When I am at the gym I feel very relaxed, i'm there with my friends to have a good time! It is a place that I can go to just work off some stress that has been piling up all day.

Christina Savage said...

A third place seems to be a place to socialize away from the work place or home, beyond places of consumption. I think that you can make a third place of almost anywhere, but for me, it is the student lounges outside the classrooms of Alter Hall.
I often find myself with an hour between classes and I decide to stick around the Alter building. I sit in one of the comfortable chairs or I use one of the many computers to surf the net. There are many other people who sit in the lounges and talk while waiting for classes to begin. I do not know the Philadelphia area very well, but so far my favorite third place would definitely have to be lounges in Alter Hall.

Bryant-Salgado said...

In Philadelphia my "third place" in a block know as 35 street, it a place where I go to see friends and family or just to chill and clear your head. Going to 35 Street is like being in a stress free zone;everyone just connecnts instanly and that what makes 35 Street my "third place."

Kemmann said...

If I were to choose a "Third place" I would have to say either the Sac or J&H. Because these are places my friends and I go to hang out besides one of our apartments.
However this is mostly for when we go to eat, which is when we meet the most often. Although if we do ever get sick of these places we will go to Koja grill.

MegZap33 said...

I have grown up in the Philadelphia area all of my life and I would have to say my "third place" would be the R3 train. I used the R3 on a number of occasions since I was about 16 years old. Every time I am on the train heading into the city I feel similar. My mind is always racing about what my time the in city holds, what people I will meet, and what new things I will learn. However, on the way home new feeling emerge. At this point I am usually exhausted from my day and the melodic clanking of the train rocks me into a since of security knowing I am on my way home.

Janain85 said...

I am also new to Philly, but it reminds me of home in so many ways, so I really enjoy it. But as for a Third Place, I would have to say I really enjoy the little Bell Tower plaza. There is so much going on with everyone, from selling things, to just laying out and relaxing,to even a rap battle that I thought was very good. But I believe this place just brings people together with out even know it, I really enjoy it and I guarentee many other people do to.

bsmith1591 said...

My "third place" on the Temple campus is the cafe in Johnson and Hardwick. Everyone I hang out with goes there to eat. I see them and we talk and catch up. Me and my friends feel so comfertable that we lose track of time and end up staying after we're done eating. The food, restroom and everything that you need is there. It's a good place to hang out with your friends, watch television and even listen to music.

LexxCarroll said...

Although I am a new resident to Philadelphia, my friends have a house very close to campus, and I would consider that my "third place". I find myself amist the chaos of 9 guys that I love and I feel at home. When I feel the awkwardness of living in a dorm, I walk over to their house for some friendly couches and home cooked meals.

ilester said...

J&H Cafeteria would have to be my main "third plaace" on Temple Campus. This is not only the place I go to eat, but this is also a place I got to socialize with my friends. Many times, me going to eat dinner here is my escape from all the work and stresses that I have encountered throughout the day. I look forward to when my friends text me to tell me that they are about to head over because I know this is the time when I feel relaxed and excited to get a "breathe of fresh air."

frankiec said...

Growing up in Florida, I have never experienced the city lifestyle. The people, the noise, the chaos are all foreign to me. Everyone else has stated that they have never lived in Philadelphia before, but for me, two weeks ago was the first time I have ever been in the state of Pennsylvania(besides visiting temple once a couple months prior). Living in Phili definitely puts me in a lifestyle that i am far accustomed to. If i had to pick out a "third place" here in Phili it would definitely be my dorm building; more specifically my floor of the dorm building. I live on the 4th floor of The Edge Complex. The Ra's on my floor have something planned almost everyday for everyone to do. yesterday we had floor rock band session. 4th floor is definitely a third place for me. there's over 130 people and everyone is friendly.

hersh said...

i am new to the whole Philadelphia area in general but that might be cause im from New Jersey. A third place to me is South st. Even if you dont want to buy anything walking around is a good time in itself. I go to this place just to catch up with old friends or to even make new ones. I feel very free while i am on South St.