Saturday, February 6, 2010

Humans and Non-Human Animals

Human and non-human animals are similar yet different in certain respects. It is true that both are animals and they share similar undeniable attributes such as the natural living process necessary to keep both groups alive. They also feel similar kinds of emotions such as pain and pleasure. It is on the basis of such similarities that some human individual argue that all animals are equal to one another in terms of value.

Despite the common similarities between animals there are very distinctive differences such as human and non-human logic levels as well as man’s ability to make ethical decisions derived from the knowledge that we as human have acquired which other non-human animals have not. It is on this belief that our ability to reason and that our intellectual capacity surpasses those of non-human animals, that some humans deem it justification enough that humans and animals are not-alike.

However, I believe that many humans believe humans and non-human animals are not equal to one another because of our own self-interest and what we gain from being in the position of power so to speak, regardless of whether there is truth behind this argument. The way animals are treated in my opinion has less to do with whether or not it is or isn’t fair to treat animals the way humans do but more so because we have the power to do so and there is a benefit at hand from doing so for the most part.

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