Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Human/Nonhuman Animals

Humans and nonhuman animals are distinctively different based on their cognitive thinking and communication. Humans can interpet, understand and analyze different situations by talking, listening and reading which gives them the upperhand over nonhumans. Nonhumans cognitive thinking is not sophiscated or advanced as humans which makes them inferior. Nonhumans do not reason or think thoroughly about a situation. Eventhough, humans and nonhumans have similar senses, they use them to interact differently. Nonhumnas interact for survival while humans interact for the upliftment of their lives. Humans are clever species who can reason and understand situations by enclosing them in a right or wrong category. This makes them moral agents while nonhumans who lack reasoning and understanding are categorized as moral patients. That is the clear understanding of why humans and nonhumans differ.

1 comment:

Ashley Celestin said...

People often misinterpret nonhuman's way of communication and see it as an inferior form of communication, just because it is not the same as human interaction or we don't understand it as well as we do our own communication. Nonhumans and humans lead different lifestyles, and humans have a history of wanting to influence their ways upon others because it is seen as the only right way. But if you take into account that animals are living differently, than you will understand that their way of communication suits their lifestyle and in no way makes them inferior.