Friday, March 4, 2011


This report is accompanied by photographs and video documentation of the Kapparot 1996. I have included literature to assist in an in-depth understanding of why the chickens that you used were in poor health and present serious questions as to whether such chickens could be considered kosher on any day of the year, much less a sacred Jewish holiday.

This report is designed to open up discussions and may easily be supported by more descriptions and visual documents upon request. My intense involvement in the past year with the chickens changed me and many people who met them. Most of us had no idea how extensively damaged the chickens as a species have become as a result of human manipulation. Please understand that although the following is not easy to read, even ugly to think about, the intention is to constructively use this information to improve the situation. I write to foster understanding of who the chickens are and to explore our moral responsibility to them.

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