Monday, November 30, 2009

On Grizzly Man

I thought that the documentary provided an interesting outlook on a normally boring topic. Timothy Treadwell added a lot of humor and abstract thoughts to this documentary by simply being himself. I also believe that after awhile his isolation from humans began to affect him causing some of his odd behavior. He died happy because this was the way he always wanted to die. Treadwell realized that wild animals were indeed dangerous, but believed that he had discovered a way to connect with the animals, thus securing his safety. Herzog on the other hand saw a permanent line drawn between humans and animals and no one, no matter who they are, could cross it. The connection Treadwell made with the foxes was my favorite part of the documentary, I found them very cute. To watch the bear fight was also very fascinating, so I could only imagine what it must have been like to actually watch it up close as Treadwell did.

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