Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nature Literacy

I think our generation is the most unique generation to exist in a very long time. Technology especially has a large influence on my opinion. The use of technology nowadays has limited but also expanded the knowledge and understanding of the world in this generation. We easily learn through computers, cell phones, I pods, and other electronic devices. And because technology has such a strong impact on this generation I would have to say this generation is becoming less nature literate. We are brought up in a time were most cities and places are urbanized with the type of technology being used. Therefore, I think my generation pays less attention to nature and what it has to offer. Its kind of like technology and nature flip flopped throughout time. In the past nature was paid attention to; as a matter of fact people needed nature to help them live. Now its as if this generation needs technology to live. What I'm trying to say is because we have technology (especially) we will pay less attention to nature but it doesn't mean that we aren't aware of nature itself. In fact there are still people in this generation fighting to save forest and other nature environments. For example, there is a group on campus fighting to save a forest from Pizza Hut building its business on it. This shows that this generation does have regard towards nature. To me nature literacy means knowing about nature and the environment that is surrounding us. Nature can be animals, trees, forests, insects, and in some cultures humans.

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