Friday, March 4, 2011


"The Circus is coming to Town!" In the article "What's Wrong with The Circus?" the Animal Protection Institute (API) provides information on myths that are used to justify Circuses as being helpful and not harmful to animals. "The API has been involved in Forty years of fighting animal abuse and exploitation. Whether they use the courts, the legislatures, the ballot box ... engage in their nationwide team of grassroots activists at the community level ... work closely with individual advocates ... form coalitions with other national or state animal advocacy groups ... or use their position as a major media resource to focus national attention on the abuse of animals anywhere and everywhere ... they continue to get the job done". API explains that Exotic animals do not choose to work in circuses. The animals are being degraded and emerged into a lifestyle that is not natural. What kind of message are we sending to the younger generation? "That it is acceptable to use animals for amusement and profit" In the article API proves the myth that "Circuses help conserve endangered animals" to be completely false. They are not saving them they are exploiting them. They claim that they help to "preserve" the animals through "captive breeding." This does not help wild endangered animals because they don't have problems with breeding but with the dangerous environment that has put them into endangerment. Circuses are not "conserving" they are "exploiting" they are not here to help the animals they just want to make money off of them. This myth is a cover up and holds no truth. The API urges people to boycott circuses that exploit animals and attend shows that only show human performers to ensure the safety of the animals. They also urge people to lobby for animal rights before, during, and after the show. The API is diligently working to eliminate animal participation in circuses despite the myths. Therefore, Circuses try to justify the use of animals as a positive thing but in fact it is detrimental to the welfare of animals as well as extremely cruel practices.

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