Wednesday, March 2, 2011


"Cockfighting - a blood sport in which two roosters specifically bred for aggressiveness and placed beak to beak in a small ring and encouraged to fight to the death - has been around for centuries."
The roosters endure severe training for several months which consists of long obstacles and running on treadmills. They are given vitamins and steroids to build their stamina and health for the fights. Their owners or trainers think of different strategies to lower the rooster's chance of losing therefore they pluck their feathers and cut off the wattles. This is a lot of work and it is an investment for many people. Numerous amount of money is invested in these activities because of the training and the weapons attached to the roosters feet. Weapons, such as sharp knives and sharp edges, are attached to their feet and the fights are based on these weapons. The fights are"short-knife" fight, "long-knife" fight or a "gaff" fight. Ironically, these fights have referees even though a rooster always ends up dead. Cockfighting is encouraged mostly by gang members, who make bets on which rooster will win or lose. This sounds like a great business but it is illegal and a crime in all fifty states and District of Columbia. " Cockfighting is illegal in all 50 states and a felony offense in 35 states and the District of Columbia. The possession of birds for fighting purposes is prohibited in 34 states and the District of Columbia" People are convicted for cockfighting even if they are spectators. Even though its banned in the United States, it is popular in other countries such as France, Haiti, Mexico, Belgium, Spain, Puerto Rico, Italy and Malaysia. Cockfighting is cruelty towards the roosters and animals activists are against these actions.

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