Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Critique against "Why I am a feminist"

Why I Am A feminist

Feminist-the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.

As mentioned in the definition a feminist is one who advocates for equal rights for women in all social institutions. I am not an activist, nor do i go around shouting "equal rights for women," but i do stand up for womens rights when comfornted by anyone and I aslo belive that all men and women should be treated equal. Thats why i believe that I am a feminist. For more than a century women have been treated unequally in just about every social institution: labour force, education, family,church, politics etc. Women have been treated like objects such as: "trophies," sex objects, dummies ect. And many times,their beauty has been used to validate their success rather than their interlect. Althougth times have changed and many laws have been implented to turn back the ominious hand of unequality, such gender tension still exsist. The time for complete equality among men and women is long overdue, and I believe that more work needs to be done to identify the different diparities of basis-ness and , alos new methods should be put in place to eleminate them.


I dont agree with the definition of feminist is "the doctrine advocating social political and all other rights of women equal to men. "  I  think that it is unrealistic to claim that men and women should be equal. It is impossible for such a thing to happen. Men and Women are different. They cannot do the same things. Women use the fact they are the weeker sex all the time.For example in no culture around the world is there a practice of holding doors for men. This is just an example but women misuse the rules of society all the time. 

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