Thursday, November 6, 2008

Inequality? I Don't think so

Why I am a feminist
Feminism: belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.According to, feminism is the belief in social, political and economic equality of the sexes. Although I feel like I hold a stand and believe in both positions, I see myself more in a feminist view. I feel as though in today’s society, there still is inequality evident with gender. I think everyone should be treated fairly but because of societal norms, women are still treated unfairly and men are seen as the higher gender, being able to get away with things women normally wouldn’t. A double standard is also still evident in many situations because what women do is more heavily accounted for. Years have passed and people’s mentalities have changed but the underlining expectations and still prominent for women.
Posted by pooja039 at 5:51 PM 0 comments

Inequality? There has not been inequality in the United States since August 25,1920.Then the very next day, 26 August 1920, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified and womens sufferage officially ended. Women have the same exact rights as men have, the only problem is women want to have their cake and eat it to. Women want to be treated equal and just, and thats fine, but the instant an indifference occurs its automatically viewed as sexist and unjust. Women have gained tramendous positions of power in the United States. Take for example Meg Whitman the President and CEO of eBay, Indra Nooyi CEO of a little soft drink company called Pepsi, I'm not really sure if you have ever heard of those companies but their both fortune 500 companies. And the list goes on and on. Inequality? Seriously though? Women have the same opportunities as men, saying that there is inequality is a cop out.

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