Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Human/Non-Human Animals

In my opinion, the main thing that separates human animals from non-human animals is the ability to formulate goals and have desires in life. Human animals create goals for themselves that they would like to achieve throughout their lives. Non-human animals only focus on basic survival necessities, such as food, shelter, etc. Human animals seem to be on a higher level than non-human animals because of this ability to create such thorough mental processes, instead of solely focusing on the basic physical needs required to survive.

1 comment:

JaMina Midgette said...

I agree that desire is a key component of humanity, but you do not make a clear enough distinction between humans and non-humans on this basis alone. The key difference other than desire is design. For instance, bee's spread pollan and it is not a basic need for THEIR survival only, but it is the fabric that has sewn the wild oates of this Earth together for ever. They, like humans, recieve magnificent instruction from a higher power, and like the non-human bees, humans too must soon fall victim to Death's design. So, when you say that non-human anials only focus on "basic" levels of desire, think about miraculous creatures like Rescue/Seeing-Eye Dogs and anonymous Ants who build extraordinary mole-hills every day.