Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nick Cooney's Presentation

Nick Cooney gave a very interesting presentation about factory farming to our class this past Monday, April 11th. I found a lot of the information very interesting and eye opening. To me, the most interesting topic was that regarding the laws surrounding factory farming. The so called "laws" are practically non-existent. We learned that PA use to have a general law protecting all animals, but in the late 1900's the laws were changed. Currently, there are practically no laws or guidelines that factory farms must abide by. One of the most shocking comparisons was made to other developed nations. I discovered that many of the gruesome practices used in the United States are outlawed in a lot of other developed nations. Why are the United States lacking in protecting animal welfare? We started to discuss how owners of factory farms have influence in the legislature and media. As soon as we started diving into these topics, corruption immediately came to my mind. Is our government corrupt if they are hiding such a key topic from the American people? I feel like I have been lied to by my own country. I put some of my trust in the legislatures to create and enforce laws that would protect the citizens of this country. Shouldn't the animals be guaranteed some protection? I am not suggesting that they be considered equally as humans, but should they at least deserve the 8th amendment right that humans have, no cruel and unusual punishment? Why are animals being cruel and unusually punished for no reason at all? Throughout the presentation I found myself going through a mixture of emotions. The main emotions I felt were anger, sadness, and guilt. I was and am extremely angered that this topic has managed to escape the minds of Americans. I am angry with legislatures for allowing factory farming. I am sad for the animals that are subject to factory farming. I am sad that they have to be put through that type of "lifestyle" for no reason whatsoever. Finally, I feel guilty. Guilty that I did not learn of this issue sooner. Guilty that I ate the meat that comes from those factory farms. I use to eat whatever meat was placed in front of me without questioning it. I did not make the connection between the steak on my plate and the cow suffering in the factory farm. Now, I find myself disgusted at the site of meat. I think that Nick Cooney's presentation was a big eye opener, especially when it comes to legislators responsibility, or lack there of.

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