Monday, November 30, 2009

On Grizzly Man

Timothy Treadwell is an astonishing man. He devoted his life to the preservation and protection of grizzly bears. Throughout this class, we have discussed human animal interactions. Treadwell took this to a new level. He made the bears and foxes his family, gave them names, and treated them with the utmost respect. His willingness to ultimately give his life for his cause is amazing. To him, the animals mean everything. They essentially helped him quit drinking and drugs. They may have saved his life. Some people may believe that Treadwell got what he deserved when he died, but I do not believe this. I believe that civilization is what killed Treadwell, not the bear. After all, Treadwell would have been heading home had it not been for that altercation with the airport worker. Nonetheless, Treadwell is a role model for people everywhere.

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