Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In response to Jason Boas' blog

This is in response to Jason Boas “Why I am A Feminist” blog. Boas reason for being a feminist does not coincide with his definition, which is “ the movement for social, political and economic equality of men and women.” The word movement as defined by elook.org is, “a group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals. Therefore if the meaning of the word feminist should be restated it would say, “ a group of people or a person who advocates for political and social fairness between men and women.” Boas states “ a feminist is, in the broadest sense of the term, someone who simply believes that men and women should be equal in all sociopolitical aspects, as well as in anyway there is unfair burden on women founded on chauvinistic ideology, then yes, I am a feminist.” Clearly from his definition a feminist does not merely believe in gender equality but he or she also campaigns for equality, whether it is done proactively or passively. Boas’s grounds for being a feminist does not concur with his definition, to me he is pro-feminist.

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