Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Whay I am a Feminist Critique

In response to Sean Pastor's comment, "According to this definition and this article feminism is basically what is said. It is the idea that women are people. If that is the only qualification to be considered a feminist, that women are to be classified as a person, then yes I would have to consider myself a feminist, because women are alive and they are people plain and simple". I believe he got the wrong concept, because you can still believe women are people and they should have the same rights, but not be a feminist. Feminists stand for the rights of women and thats it. The difference between me and a feminist is that, I stand for both men and women. We are all equal and deserve the same rights. So you don't necessarily have to be a feminist to stick up for women's rights or to believe that they are individuals as well.

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