Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Nick Cooney's Presentation

During Nick Cooney's presentation on factory farms in class Monday, the main thing that really stuck in my mind were the negative effects on the environment caused by factory farms. What really stuck was the amount of feces produced from the animals on factory farms compared to that of humans. I believe it was something like 700 something times more. A lot of the feces from the animals is either seeped into the ground or evaporated into the air. The feces that seeps into ground may reach a water source such as a river or creek and contaminate it. When it reaches a delta such as that from the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico, some parts become so-called "dead zones" where all the contamination ends up and basically sucks all the oxygen out of the water suffocating all of the fish causing them to float to the surface. It is quite a horrible scene.

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