Monday, September 13, 2010

The Place I Call My "Third Place"

Its been two weeks already in temple and I am loving the college life. "Where is the third place I go to on temple campus or in Philadelphia-at-large?" I ask myself? In the past two weeks I have toured the main campus as well as part of Philadelphia, there are a lot of places I could call the "third place" but the most interesting I would consider is the university village apartment clubhouse. I consider this recreational center as a 'third place" because I go here to find other people having fun and interacting with each other to get to know themselves well as well as make new friends to reduce the stress after a long day or week of school work or activities. This clubhouse consist of a pool, game room, business center, fitness center, tanning room and a mini movie theater where you could find all kinds of people from different places and diversity. I find myself at this place to have fun with old friends and get to meet new friends and also to release stress after a long day of work. Meeting and getting to know both new and old friends teaches me a lot, it affects me as a person by teaching me how to tolerate and deal with people from different cultures or background. I become a new person and better person each day I leave the clubhouse. The UV clubhouse I call my "third place" really does make a different in my life.

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