Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kyle Sutcliffe Blog 1

When I think of a third place, I think of somewhere, where I can go and let my mind free from the outside world. Going to the gym on campus helps me forget about school and the outside world for a couple of hours and helps me focus on myself. When I'm at the gym, I can go and work out which makes me feel better as a person, and at the same time it makes me feel better physically too. Socializing with other people is also a perk too because talking to other people about different things can also make me feel better and forget about my weekly troubles. In Oldenburg's reading "The Problem of Place in America", he say's that he asks a Frenchman what he like's about living in France opposed to America, he states that living in France is "more relaxed" and America is more pressured". Even though the gym is the last place you think of when you think of relaxation, but in way when I go to the gym I feel more relaxed then I do when I'm sitting at home watching TV.
Society has all different types of places where people can go leisurely and enjoy the simple things in life. My third place is going to the gym, I'm sure it isn't other people's cup of tea, but everybody is different.

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