Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blog 5

Overall,I think that my ability to read articles and sources and gather the information properly has greatly improved through this semester. I’ve learned that there is a strong relationship between reading and writing. I have learned a lot about how to analyze texts, summarize them, and use them in my arguments. I still however, have trouble finding amusement in the readings or essay assignments. I did enjoy some parts of Essay 4 because I was able to discuss a television show that I had an interest in. But with many of my essays I found that I was easily made bored but them. Also, when developing ideas for my essays, I found that I either would have too much to say or not enough. This would typically result in me getting off task with my writing. Once I finally enjoyed reading the secondary sources, I found it much easier to analyze them. One of my weaknesses of writing is still conclusions.This class however, has really helped me to improve my writing and my papers overall.I felt much more comfortable editing and revising my own papers than I would have in the past.I believe that my writing has improved noticeably, since the start of my freshman year and even since the start of the spring semester. I’m looking forward to Mosaics next semester because I believe it will really challenge my writing skills and I will see how I have truly developed as a reader and writer.

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