Friday, April 3, 2009

Man On Wire

Man on Wire was an extremely provocative film that in my mind reinvented the role of the Hero.
1. The Hero not only makes mistakes, but is selfish, passionate, and gets caught.
2. The Hero is unable to function without helpful sidekicks, unlike superman.
3. The Hero does indeed stop being the Hero.

I thought it was interesting that this course focuses on this movie and it's Hero aspects. If I had watched the movie in my own living room, I would not have considered the aspect of Hero.

Man on wire is simply a rebel, consumed by his own passions and desires.
1. What can we learn as humans simply following the rules?
2. Is it selfish to simply rebel or more appropriate to rebel collectively and when needed, say, in a revolution?

I want to start a revolution.
Man on Wire reaches my passions against authority and social structure.
Maybe this is the true definition of a Hero after all the romanticism is stripped away.

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