Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Course Reflection

I began this semester as a vegetarian. I was frustrated because I was constantly trying to explain myself to people who questioned my actions. I was interested in Human-Animal ethical relationships but had trouble organizing all of my thoughts to form explanations. Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals provided me with an almost perfectly organized collection of all the ideas and problems I had been interested in but that had been scattered in other books, documentaries, and other media forms. Also in the Animal Ethics Reader, Part Two which involved pain, emotion, and consciousness made me question my very existence. I admire the authors in this anthology but feel they may have been miss represented in this format.

I think the most useful skill I have learned this semester would be how to properly use a quote. I feel effectively introducing and using a quote can make one's writing much more powerful. It increases fluidity in one's writing and helps illustrate specific ideas more clearly.

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