Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Throughout the course of this fall semester we have read over various texts and documents pertaining to the environment, more specifically nature. After exploring all of the essays in class, my perception of the environment has definitely been altered. More specifically my view of animals, along with their relationship to humans. Having read "Why Look at Animals?" by John Berger and watched "Grizzly Man" produced by Werner Herzog, my prior opinion about the environment has transformed. Before going over these two resources, I really didn't think or care much about the environment, and I felt that there was no connection between humans and animals. Now however, I developed an understanding that animals have been granted some of the same characteristics as humans, and are therefore related. Also, one can take advantage and learn from animals. By properly observing animals in their natural habitat, it is much easier to fully appreciate their existence. This is seen for example in the movie "Grizzly Man", as the life of Timothy Treadwell is portrayed. It is clear that Treadwell expressed love for grizzly bears, and developed a connection with these animals. This connection is what allowed him to survive a miraculous thirteen summers unarmed. I don't believe it's possible for everyone to develop such a personal relationship with animals, but I do think people can learn a lot by observing and studying animals, both wild and domesticated alike. Ultimately, it is vital that people strive to protect animals, and preserve the environments in which they live.

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