Tuesday, December 8, 2009


After this semester, I have a generally more open opinion about the environment. Being such a large subject matter, the readings and film we have watched over the semester have helped to open my eyes up to many of the aspects of the environment that I was not aware of from before. After watching Grizzly Man, I now realize the emotional connection someone can have with the environment once they truly love it. Timothy Treadwell regarded nature on the same level as a worshiper of God would praise him. I have also realized that the environment can even be connected to things in our now more urbanized lifestyles. I made the connection between the wilderness and urban life after reading Gary Snyder’s “The Etiquette of Freedom.” The same way we regard urban environments, we tend to use to describe the wilderness. Although the environment is a vast subject that would require countless hours of research to fully understand, I feel that this semester has helped to make me unbiased about the subject.

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