Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Our environment has somewhat changed since the semester started in the summer. I remember the time when I used to come to class wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Around that time, the leaves on the trees were green, now the leaves are no more. Now, I have started to walk to class a bit more bundled up since the temperature outside has been getting lower. So it is safe to say that since the semester started, our environment that we're writing about has been going through its seasonal changes. Much like this last sentence, my perception of the environment has changed too. Werner Herzog's documentary, Grizzly Man has let me into the depths of the harsh realities of nature. I understand that the animals live in a tough environment. Grizzly Man helped me see that nature really is survival of the fittest, through the raw footage captured by Timothy Treadwell. Since the beginning of the semester my perception of the environment wasn't as sharp as it is now. I feel more educated and informed about topics on environment, and have enjoyed writing essays pertaining to it.

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