Friday, December 4, 2009

On Environment

I am happy to say that my first semester at Temple University was mesmerizing, and I have give a lot of credit to my professors, because I learned so many new interesting thing that I would have never been subjected to if I would not had met them. Usually I hate English, but I enjoyed writing almost every single paper I produced. It was a challenge and the book and article that I read made it a joyous experience. Ray Oldenburg’s, “The Problem of Place in America,” opened my eye to the many issues that I am facing in America. He made me think that I am living in a world that is over stressful and if I think live was hard as a child then I might not be ready for the future. This is weird because I can remember childhood a lot different than the childhood that most children are living now. When I was a child my family use to get together all of the time, and we all lived like right around the corner from each other, but now that we don’t my family is not the same anymore. This makes me sad because this is what made me the person that I am, with strong values and family morals, but the children of our future (meaning in my family) won’t have that. The bad thing is I didn’t think or care about this until I read Ray Oldenburg’s article. Another article that I read was, Wallace Stegner’s, “Wilderness letter.” In the letter he talks not only about wilderness but the idea of wilderness. Before I read it I thought to myself, “How can wilderness be an idea, when it is something that already exists?” Then after reading it I realized wilderness can be an idea. I believe that we all think of this miracle place, that is somewhere in this wild, that we can escape to. The place where you are free to be you, nobody there to judge or label you, I guess I am trying to say it really made me think. The last thing that I want to talk about is the film “Grizzly man” directed by Werner Herzog. As I said, or may not have said, in an early post, Timothy Treadwell was a very brave individual. I am not saying this because he thought he lived with bears or because he tried to become one of them. I am saying this because he had the courage to do something that no one else did, he notice that this world was a prison and he tried to escape it, and I thank him for that. After reading this I guess you can say that my Introduction to Academic Discourse is a class I will never forget because it made me look deep into myself and search for a truth, thank you Dr. D.

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