Thursday, April 2, 2009

Man on Wire movie notes

Philippe: "What a beautiful death, to die in the exercise of your passion"

Philippe After seeing the towers in a newspaper “Usually when you have a dream the object of your dream is tangible, it’s there, it’s quixotic but it’s there nagging you know confronting you but the object of my dream does not exist yet”

"The tower was his" not sure exactly who said this but probably Annie

He watched videos of bank robberies for many days.

Annie helped him psychologically prepare for his event.

“nut conman or something” – random quote from random person

He had no answer when people asked him WHY did he do this act?

Police accused him of “disorderly conduct”

More quotes

Movie clip

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting the imdb link--this is an excellent resource for information on films (directors, actors, production, design, and so on).
Dr. Featherston