Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why I Am a Feminist

"feminism - the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes."

Based on this definition I consider myself to be a feminist. Feminism is often seen as something that only means equality for women but as seen in this definition it is "the sexes". Using the word "sexes" offers a more general interpretation of the definition feminism as opposed to other definitions I found that just refer to feminism as a thing for women. I think this definition explains feminism well because it's nothing too extreme and is very simple while still being specific. This definition fits my beliefs because i see feminism's object as not women being the more powerful figure but as equality throughout all the sexes, including transgender and transexuals. I think not only women but men also should recieve equal treatment in all areas of society. I think often in the world men are overlooked as being treated unfairly and it is often seen as women being the victims of unfair mistreatment due to their gender. Men, in ways that may not be as visible as women, are being treated differently because of their gender as well. The use of the words "political, economic, and social" was a good choice for the definition because it covers all necessary areas without having a huge list. 

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