Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Course Reflection

During the semester I learned a lot and I tried to take this learning on with an open mind. Having said that I learned a lot from our Animal Ethics readings I definitely learned more than I thought I would. I guess because I rarely see animals on a day to day basis my appreciation for them as creatures and their interests prior to starting this course is not as it is now. Through my readings and writings which really allowed me to reflect on the material I had been reading caused me become more aware of the holistic idea of non-human animal and realize that there are actually far fewer differences between us than I thought they were and for this reason they deserve our consideration and empathy. "If a being suffers, there can be no moral justification for refusing to take that suffering into consideration. No matter what the nature of the being, the principle of equality requires that the suffering be counted equally with the like suffering....of any other being" (Singer pg 37 Animal Ethics Reader).

In the last readings I really took away some that I could apply to my own life that will make a difference that is taking into more consideration the foods that I eat on a daily basis. I can't say that I will ever be vegetarian or a vegan for that matter but the readings have definitely strengthen the argument for vegetarianism in my mind and my need to reduce my current meat, fish and animal product consumption. Knowing what I now I don't think I can still eat animals to the degree that I used without feeling an ethical remorse as "we do not need to eat meat to survive or even to be healthy. The chief benefits of meat-eating to consumers are pleasure, since meat tastes especially good to many people and convenience, since switching to and maintaining a vegetarian diet requires some effort" (Degrazia pg 222 Animal Ethics Reader).

Also during this course I learned how to the use library databases such as Search Premier, which I did not know how to use prior having the 802 lab sessions. I also learned what note taking and reading methods work better for me when it comes to writing essays as well as how to fit in and insert appropriate quotations into my papers so as to strengthen them.

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