Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Factory Farm Presentation--JaMina

It is interesting how available the knowledge of factory farms has become via the world wide web, yet how uneducated the mainstream audience can be. Having prior knowledge of the negative aspects of animal agriculture in America, I was already appalled by its existence. Furthermore, to know that most American meat-eaters do not even know the basics of where their food is bred does ignite a burning sorrow in my heart.

I learned a great amount of new information and specifics to what I had known of in the past. It is an overwhelming truth about America, and a noteworthy effort exerted by people like Nick Cooney and animal rights advocates. To know that one hamburger patty costs this Earth six-months worth of bathing for one human being is disturbing! Likewise, I heard something similar about a cup of coffee! In reference to Ghandi's saying, "Be the change you wish to see". I am ready for a new diet; less destructive and more constructive to myself and my surroundings.

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