Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Course Reflection

  1. This semester most importantly has informed me about numerous human animal relationships which as allowed develop a deeper understand and empathy of the issue. Many activities and relationships between humans and animals that I once viewed as innocent, like zoos, eating and companion animals, have taken on a new light after this semester. The animals have just as much to say as we do, they just have a different way of doing so. If we took the same interest in learning the languages of the non human animal world, many more emotions would be visible (Donovan). Also many artificial relationship exists between humans and animals. The zoo originally represented the place to naturally encounter animals while learning about them. In reality, i was ,"the typical zoo-goer," that as Jamieson comments, "stops only to watch baby animals or those who are begging, feeding, or making sounds" (508). These were the animals that interested me, meanwhile their interest going virtually unnoticed of cared about. This semester has developed a deep appreciation for the relationship between human and animals
  2. Through this course I have learned how to read spaces as texts and effectively write about them. I have also learned how to analysis things other than quotes. This has led to advanced writing and added sophistication to my style of writing. I have also learned additional options and ways to incorporate quotes into my essays that add variation in my sentence structure.

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